My Own Body Make Over
My body makeover is finally over! I started at 180 pounds and purposely gained 35 pounds of fat. I was able to tack on 35 pounds of fat in just 3 months by eating everything that wasn't nailed to the floor including cheese fries,cake,ice cream,large pizzas,fried chicken, etc. To ensure maximum weight gain in the shortest time frame, I didn't workout once during my 3 months eating binge.
The next phase of my body makeover was to now to lose 50 pounds and be in the best shape of my life at the age of 45. I went from 215 to 165 pounds in 5 months. Not only did I lose the weight,but I'm now stronger then I'd ever been as well.
The success of my body makeover is a result of my very own workout system I developed by combining and tweaking several different exercise and diet philosophies to construct an all-natural way to lose fat while adding muscle. And when I say all-natural,I mean no performance-enhancement drugs of any kind, supplements,or weight loss products. I didn't even consume one protein shake.
The purpose for intentionally gaining so much weight was threefold. First, I wanted to better understand the struggles of people who are overweight. Second,to prove you can get in the best shape of your life at any age. Lastly, I wanted to dispel two myths. One,you can't add muscle while losing weight. Two,you must incorporate a daily ab routine if you want to lose the belly fat..... I didn't devote 1 minute to my abs during my entire weight loss phase.
My upcoming blogs will discuss what I learned and experienced physically,emotionally,and mentally while both gaining and losing weight. I will talk about how I was able to naturally continue adding muscle while losing weight. I will also discuss how I dropped 10 inches from my waistline without doing one sit-up. . Below are some of my before,after, and now stats.
Before After 215 pounds Now 165 pounds
Body fat 16% 30% 8%
Chest size 41 45 42
Arms (flexed) 16 in. 15 in. 16 in.
Waist 32 43 30
Barbell Chest Press 205 x 10 165 x 11 reps 225 x 10 reps
Pull-ups* Body weight x 6 10 reps with added 25 pound plate
* I hadn’t done any kind of pull-ups for years due to shoulder issues. I received several cortisone shots and was contemplating having my shoulder scoped. After cutting out all processed food and sugar,however,I noticed my shoulder starting feeling much better. It’s no secret both sugar and processed foods can exacerbate the inflammation in your body. I will cover how sugar and processed food can affect your body
** I was unable to do any leg exercises during my total body makeover. I had several severe sciatic flare-ups,one of which sent me to the emergency room,and I decided to eliminate leg exercises rather than delay my body makeover.
What I ate to gain 35 pounds
1 extra cheese large Ledo pizza. 1 container of chocolate cookies. I container I vanilla icing.
Cheese Fries!
And more cheese fries.