Mobile training offers many benefits to individuals interested in getting or staying in shape. What is mobile fitness training? Mobile fitness training is very similar to how food trucks operate. However, instead of bringing food to your neighborhood, I bring awesome workouts. I choose outdoor locations all over the MD/DC area to train individuals. Workouts are designed around your specific needs and equipment. You choose the workout,the equipment, and even the music. Here are the key benefits of using a mobile fitness trainer:
Convenience. You can schedule a training session near your home or work when it’s convenient for you.
Time Saving. My workouts are 25 minutes long and just as effective as a 60 minute workout. What’s the catch? Instead of the doing the normal one set followed by 90-120 seconds of rest, you’ll move from one exercise to the next with very little to no rest in between. An added benefit to this type of workout is your heart rated remains elevated throughout the entire workout. Which means you burn more calories while adding muscle!
Cost-Saving. Shorter workouts mean lower cost. Also, there are no long-term contracts or minimum packages to purchase. Whether you sign up for 1 session a year or 3 sessions a week, you’ll pay the same price.
Personal Attention. You’ll benefit from knowing your trainer is constantly checking your form and evaluating your ability to do the assigned exercise, so there’s much less chance of you being accidentally injured. Also, you will be held accountable to the agreed-upon routine and schedule, so it’s much harder to skip a workout. And you’ll see results that will continue to motivate and inspire you to keep on working hard!
What I provide:
Latex Gloves
Macro Calculator. There’s a saying, you can’t outrun your fork. This essentially means you can’t out exercise a bad diet. Fitness is 20% exercise and 80% nutrition. The Macro calculator shows your optimal daily calories based on your age,weight,gender,activity level, and goals.
How does mobile training work
1. Look over the workout menu.
2. Choose your workout in the appointment menu.
3. Choose your day and reserve your time. You’ll be asked for your equipment and music preference when reserving your time.
Workout Menu
Choose Cardio or Strength Training
I. Cardio Type II. Strength Training
A. HITT Choose Muscle group(s)
B. Circuit 1. Chest/Back
Choose Equipment 2. Arms
1. Battle Rope 3. Upper Body(chest,back,arms,delts)
2. TRX 4. Lower Body (legs and glutes)
3. Medicine Ball 5. Glutes
4. Boxing 6. Killer Ab Workout
5. Bodyweight Choose Equipment
6. Agility Ladder 1. Kettlebells
7. Stepper 2. Dumbbells
8. Hurdles 3. TRX
4. Body Pump Bar
5. Bodyweight
6. Bosu
Choose Your Music
Classic Rock
Tell me your music preference if it’s not listed above
Location and Times For September
6:00am - 10am. Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School - 4301 East-West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814
11:00am - 1pm Elm Street Urban Park - 4600 Elm Street, Bethesda, MD 20815
9:00am-7:00pm. Elm Street Urban Park - 4600 Elm Street, Bethesda, MD 20815
6:00 - 8:30 am, 10:30am - 2:00 pm. Walt Whitman HS 7100 Whittier Blvd, Bethesda,MD
Check Twitter:
Elm Street Urban Park - 4600 Elm Street, Bethesda, MD 20815
Workouts Explained
HIIT - HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. Workouts generally combine short bursts of intense exercise with periods of rest or lower-intensity exercise. One example is jumping rope as fast as you can for 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds of rest. Repeat process 8-10 times
Circuit - Circuit training is when you alternate between several exercises, with very little rest in between, that target different muscle groups. Whether its weights or cardio, you won’t elevate your heart rate as high as a HIIT workout, but you you’ll be in the fat burning zone the whole workout.
Killer Ab Workout - This 15 minute ab workout will fire up your entire core
Gluets - This short 15 minute workout for glutes will tone your butt muscles and really work your butt off.